Adopting one of our angels not only makes a real difference in the life of a child with profound intellectual disability – it also has a personal and meaningful impact on your own life.
When you sponsor a child at LITTLE EDEN with a regular monthly contribution, you receive a Certificate of Appreciation, with a photograph and brief case history of ‘your’ child. You are welcome to visit him or her (please phone first to let us know to expect you) or arrange a birthday party with cake, party hats and a small gift.
Interacting with our angels – who radiate joy despite the challenges they face every day – has a way of helping to put one’s own problems into perspective.
When you Adopt-an-Angel, you commit to a monthly sponsorship of any amount – from the full R13 460 it costs to provide everything he or she needs, to contributions of R5 000, R2 500, R1 000 and less towards the cost of care.
All financial donations to the Society are deductible in terms of Section 18A of the Income Tax Act, with certain limitations.
You also enjoy the satisfaction of helping to bring joy, security and dignity to a child who has to depend on the goodwill and compassion of others for life.