A clear chest to several LITTLE EDEN residents like Matete or Mbali is a reality their carers have to face on a daily basis.
Chest care is only one of the many medical challenges LITTLE EDEN’s staff has to consider in caring for our residents with profound intellectual disability, we lovingly call Angels.
Cerebral Palsy (CP) is the cause of the intellectual disability of most of the 300 LITTLE EDEN residents.
This is a condition linked to damage of the brain caused by injury during birth or infection in the first three months of life. Some of the more common signs include:
- Delays in reaching motor skill milestones, such as rolling over, sitting up alone or crawling, which is only discovered three months after birth when a child cannot lift his head.
- Never learn to properly talk.
- Lack of muscle coordination, stiff muscles, involuntary movements and exaggerated reflexes due to miscommunication in brain. This also includes difficulty or inability in walking.
- Excessive drooling and problems with swallowing.
- Favouring one side of the body, such as reaching with one hand.
- Neurological problems, such as seizures, blindness or as the most of our Angels -intellectual disabilities.
Due to poor blood circulation, constipation is one of the conditions which the carers must manage daily. Their tummies often need some intervention in order to work and their carers must always be mindful of their diet.
Sitting still in their wheelchairs can cause a fluid build-up in their lungs. The fluid, which is worsened by excessive drooling and inability to cough by themselves can lead to choking.
LITTLE EDEN’s Physio Therapist, Dana Wassman, assisted by nursing staff regularly assesses residents’ chests for changes in breathing sounds. The team work out a treatment plan that includes daily nebulizing and suction to improve breathing.
LITTLE EDEN residents, as in every Home where there are young enquiring minds and youngsters learning to walk or crawl, often have bumps, bruises and scratches that are assessed and treated with care.
In order to continue to ensure this level of medical care for our angels, specialised medical equipment and consumables is a must. (See what consumable and medical equipment we are using). LINK
To help us achieve this, YOU can assist by supporting #TeamLittleEden in the Discovery 947 RideJoburg who have committed to raise R50 000 by 19 November for our Angels’ medical equipment and consumables.
Give your gift of love by using one of these methods:
- Go to our website https://littleeden.org.za/donate.php
- Pay your gift of love directly into LITTLE EDEN’s bank account:
ACCOUNT NAME: Little Eden Society
ACCOUNT NUMBER: 5468 0928 009
BRANCH: Karaglen
BRANCH No.: 252-442
Remember to add your reference: #Medical
Contact Nichollette on 011 609 7246 or marketing@littleeden.org,za for more information.