For a few precious hours we were able to push Covid-19 to the back of our minds; Santa had special visiting rights at both our Homes just in time for Christmas – and he didn’t come empty handed!
You can imagine the squeals of excitement, the joy and laughter that greeted Father Christmas when he arrived at Elvira Rota Village by tractor, towing a trailer filled with bags of brightly wrapped gifts for everyone.
But he couldn’t have done it without your generous help. Thank you to everyone who helped fill Santa’s bag.
Special thanks to Kaizer Chief’s Tracy Williams, for arranging delivery of a team T-shirt for Daniella, who is a massive fan. The T-shirt was top of her Christmas wish list and she actually cried tears of joy when she opened her gift.
Our tiniest angel Rachel, who stole everyone’s hearts when we wrote to you in December, loved her first Christmas at LITTLE EDEN – and the gift of new clothes from Father Christmas, followed by a party with delicious eats sponsored by Mochachos Karaglen and O’ Peri Peri, as well as cupcakes, cool drink, ice cream and sweets donated by our many generous friends. Thanks also to Prima Quality Beef for the gift of boerewors, and De Backery, who sponsored pies for everyone on Christmas Day.
Our dedicated staff, who went above and beyond the call of duty to keep the residents safe and happy throughout 2020, were treated to a fantastic lunch sponsored by Mastrantonio Food Services. Grateful thanks also to Supercare Services Group for sponsoring party packs, and the anonymous donor who gave each staff member a care pack.
Of course, the caring doesn’t end with the year end. All indications are that 2021 will be just as tough. So please consider making LITTLE EDEN your favourite charity, and renew your support whenever you can.
We wish you a happy, healthy and blessed 2021. Thank you for caring about children and adults with profound intellectual disability.