Get involved
Without financial contributions from caring individuals and business,
LITTLE EDEN simply couldn’t provide the level of care necessary for our ‘family’ of 300 children and adults.
Cash donations are hugely appreciated, as they allow us the flexibility to respond to needs as they arise. But there are many other ways to support LITTLE EDEN – without having to dig into your pocket!
Donate items for our Homes
With a ‘family’ of 300 children and adults, there are many day to day items that are always needed and greatly appreciated. In particular:
- Good quality used clothing in all sizes – especially socks, pyjamas and tracksuits
- Sheets, blankets and pillows
- Toiletries – soap, toothpaste, deodorant, shampoo
- Office consumables – paper, stationery, specific ink cartridges
- Toys – paints, crayons, colouring in books, jigsaw puzzles (up to 200 pieces), Duplo blocks, soft baby dolls, light balls, large plastic cars/trucks, musical instruments, plastic sandpit toys, push & pull along toys
Items may be dropped off at Domitilla & Danny Hyams Home (79 Wagenaar Rd/cnr Harris Ave) in Edenglen or at the LITTLE EDEN Charity Shop at De’ Sun Place, 33, 8th Avenue, Edenvale.
Please note that we use a special bio-degradable industrial laundry detergent, and unfortunately cannot use donations of ordinary washing powder or fabric softener.

Support our charity shops
Our LITTLE EDEN Charity Shops are so popular, we can’t keep up with the demand for good quality second hand clothes and shoes! If you have items you no longer use, please consider donating them to LITTLE EDEN.
All proceeds from the shops go directly towards providing quality care for the 300 residents with intellectual disability at LITTLE EDEN. So you can get rid of unwanted items and help our children at the same time!
Apart from a wide range of second hand clothing in all sizes, we also stock china, kitchenware, books, toys, linen, furniture, small appliances and bric-a-brac. So if you’re planning a clear out at home, please bring all your unwanted items to either shop – or drop them off at Domitilla and Danny Hyams Home in Edenglen.
Klopperpark: 345 Barbara Road, Klopperpark (Spar Shopping Centre)
Edenvale: De’ Sun Place, 33, 8th Avenue, Edenvale
Opening hours:
Mon-Fri from 09h00-16h00
Saturday from 08h30-12h30
Sundays and Public Holidays – Closed
For more information, please tel. 011 453 8065.
Buy our products
These items are available at Domitilla & Danny Hyams Home (79 Wagenaar Rd/cnr Harris Ave) in Edenglen and at our Charity Shop at De’ Sun Place, 33, 8th Avenue, Edenvale

Handmade Rosary
These rosaries are made with the help of residents as part of their therapy programme at Elvira Rota Village

Emptied for Filling
The English version of the story of Domitilla and Danny Hyams told by Italian journalist and author, Daniela Taiocchi.

Vuoti a rendere (Emptied for filling )
The story of Domitilla and Danny Hyams told by Italian journalist and author, Daniela Taiocchi.
The original Italian version.

Il Piccolo Paradiso (A Little Paradise)
The story of LITTLE EDEN by Italian journalist and author, Daniela Taiocchi. Available in the original Italian or English translation.

Pecan nuts fresh from our orchard
These nuts are shelled and packed by residents and staff of Elvira Rota Village. Available shelled or whole.
Price list:
Shelled halves (1kg) R230
Shelled halves (500g) R115
Shelled halves (200g) R55
Broken pieces (1kg) R190
Broken pieces (500g) R95
Broken pieces (200g) R42
Bulk (10kg and over) R210/kg whole halves
Bulk (10kg and over) R180/kg broken pieces

LITTLE EDEN 50 Years of Love & Care
LITTLE EDEN 50 years of Love & Care (1967 to 2017) by Luigi Slaviero is an interesting and lively read. It not only describes the past 50 years of LITTLE EDEN’s existence, but also relays the emotions, motives and prayers involved in founding, growing and maintaining the Homes.

Reflections of a Servant of God
A new book compiled from the diary of Domitilla Rota Hyams, co-founder of LITTLE EDEN, which provides fascinating insight into her life and devotion to God. Available from reception.
For the safety of our residents, all volunteers must submit a police clearance report and sign a resident protection form.
For more information, please contact Nichollette Zulu on +27 (0)11 609 7246 or email marketing@littleeden.org.za
Community service for scholars
Students have an opportunity to collect community service hours through our donations in kind collection programme.
Please contact Nichollette Zulu on 011 609 7246 for more details and to make arrangements.
Enjoy participating in sporting events?
Why not run, cycle or swim for us?
Simply go to BackaBuddy and set up a fundraising page, with LITTLE EDEN as the beneficiary. Add a photo of yourself and a message to encourage your family and friends to support you. Any money you raise will come straight to us – you don’t have to handle cash – and you can see who’s supporting you by visiting your page on a regular basis.
It’s so easy to make a difference, and knowing that you’re helping to provide love and care for children with profound intellectual disability will add to your achievement.
Even if you’re not sporty, there are lots of other occasions – such as a milestone birthday or anniversary, which offer great fundraising opportunities.
Adopt an ‘Angel’ – by donating monthly towards the cost of care
Adopting one of our ‘Angels’ not only makes a real difference in the life of a child with profound intellectual disability – it also has a personal and meaningful impact on your own life.
When you sponsor a child at LITTLE EDEN with a regular monthly contribution, you receive a photograph and brief case history of your ‘angel’ in a Certificate of Appreciation. And you can enjoy further involvement by visiting your child any time (just phone first, please, to arrange a convenient time!), or arranging a birthday party for him or her.
It’s amazing how interacting with our angels – many of whom radiate joy despite having to spend their lives in a wheelchair – can put day-to-day frustrations into perspective!
Above all, enjoy the satisfaction of helping to bring joy, security and dignity to a child who has to depend on the compassion and goodwill of others for life.
The cost of caring for a child at LITTLE EDEN is R14 868 per month and covers everything he or she needs … from basic food and shelter to 24-hour care, medication, and intensive physiotherapy, speech therapy, occupational-, hydro- and music therapy.
We welcome monthly sponsorship of any amount – from the full R14 868 to gifts of R5000, R2500, R1000 and less – all help towards the cost of care. All donations to the Society are deductible in terms of Section 18A of the Income Tax Act.

Sponsor a birthday party
Birthdays are a special time at LITTLE EDEN – and with 300 residents, there’s a birthday to celebrate almost every day!
Food for the party is always greatly enjoyed and appreciated. Please consider donating:
- a birthday cake
- cup cakes
- chocolate
- Cheese Curls/Flings
- soft sweets (no boiled sweets or suckers)
- ice cream (in tubs – no lollies or cones)
- fresh fruit
- cool drink
Birthdays for the older and more mobile children are sometimes celebrated with an outing to the local steakhouse for burgers and chips. Please contact Nichollette Zulu on 011 609 7246 or marketing@littleeden.org.za for more information, or click the button to contribute towards this special need.
Get a MySchool or Makro Card
Support the children of LITTLE EDEN without spending a cent extra – simply by applying for a MyVillage Card or a Makro card and naming us as the beneficiary, and swiping it every time you shop at Woolworths, Engen, ToysRUs or Makro.
The MyVillage Card is not a debit or credit card; it simply tracks transactions made at the till and allocates a proportion of the sale to the nominated charity. More than R1.5 million is disbursed to various schools and charitable organisations through the system every month. Apply online at https://www.myschool.co.za/supporter/apply/ You will also find a full list of participating stores on the website.
If you already have a MySchool Card, you can add LITTLE EDEN as a secondary beneficiary, and your earnings will be divided equally between your existing beneficiary and our Society.
You can apply for a Makro card by downloading the Makro mCard App from the Google Play Store or Apple App Store. LITTLE EDEN earns R5 for every R1000 spent, while you earn your usual MReward points. For more information contact us on 011 609 7246 or email info@littleeden.org.za.

‘Donate’ your birthday
When friends and loved ones ask what you’d like for your birthday this year, why not suggest they make a donation to LITTLE EDEN instead of buying you a gift?
As we get older, we realise the things we really want – love, friendship, good health, peace of mind, more time with beloved children or grandchildren – can’t be bought. And that helping someone less fortunate is money well spent.
Many of our children will spend their birthday … and every other day of the year … in a wheelchair. But your thoughtfulness ensures their days are filled with comfort, care and love.
Leave a bequest to LITTLE EDEN
Most of us get great satisfaction from doing good … helping to make the world a better place and changing the lives of others less fortunate than ourselves. Leaving a bequest to your favourite charity is a way of continuing this influence beyond your own lifetime.
A Legacy is also a wonderful memorial – keeping your spirit of compassion and generosity alive for years to come. It’s also a way of saving money, as gifts to charity are exempt from estate duty and may reduce the size of your estate to the point where it will not attract any tax.
If your own family is grown up and independent, you might like to make provision in your Will for children who will never be grown up and independent in the sense we know it … those who suffer from intellectual disabilities.
The children at LITTLE EDEN are here for life – and we have made a commitment to care for them as long as they live. By naming the ‘LITTLE EDEN Foundation’ in your Will, you’ll be an integral part of the LITTLE EDEN story for ever.
For more information on Wills and Bequests, please contact Melanie van Wyk at mvw@littleeden.org.za or write to P O Box 121, Edenvale 1610, South Africa.