In 1996 Nelson Mandela chose to celebrate his seventy eighth birthday in the company of 2 000 children with disabilities. Which other world leader would share such an occasion with those affected by mental and physical challenges? And what better way to honour and keep alive Madiba’s legacy than by choosing to support the 300 children and adults with profound intellectual disability in our care this Mandela Day?
You can join in as individuals, corporates and businesses by contributing towards any of the items on our wish list. Or dropping off donations at either of our Homes. You can also make a donation towards the care of our residents. Please use your cell number/mandela as your reference so we can allocate your gift correctly.
For the safety of our residents, our guard is still up when it comes to Covid-19. So there will be no direct interactions with our residents. However, small groups of supporters are invited to visit and tour our facilities. If you would like to assist with our maintenance projects, please contact us to make arrangements.
Together, we can make this Mandela Day an opportunity for all of us to “Do what you can, with what you have, wherever you are.”