Thanks to support from our wonderful donors and friends, we reached our target of R55 000 towards the cost of crucial medical supplies to keep our special angels healthy. And that meant that our CEO, Xelda Rohrbeck, and former staff member Carl Rohrbeck had to make good on their promise to perm their hair if we hit the target!
Good sports that they are, Xelda and Carl headed off to the hairdressers and emerged several hours later with beautiful curly hair. All good fun, but with a serious purpose … to say ‘thank you’ to our generous supporters. With our medicine cupboard shelves now well stocked with cough and cold remedies, nasal spray, multivitamin syrup, laxatives and anti diarrhoea meds, our family of children and adults with profound intellectual disability can look forward to good health through the winter months.
Thanks again to all who supported the #Perm4Purpose campaign.