This is the theme of a new fundraising campaign aimed at combating the financial impact of COVID-19 on LITTLE EDEN. The campaign aims to raise a minimum of R200 000 by 31 August, which will go directly towards the daily costs incurred in fulfilling LITTLE EDEN’s undertaking to provide ongoing care that ensures the well-being of our special residents especially in light of the global crisis we find ourselves in.
As we face this pandemic, our resilience is being tested to the limit. Financially the impact has been significant and more so as South Africa finds itself in lockdown. The annual main fundraising Fête event is on hold; the Charity Shop, which provides a stable monthly income stream for the Organisation, is closed; and restricting external access to the Homes has a direct impact on regular donations received. Sourcing additional hygiene products, personal protective equipment, and cleaning staff to limit our risk of infections have a major impact on the financial status of our Organisation.
LITTLE EDEN closed the current financial year-end March 2020 in a deficit, and the situation is anticipated to be much more pressurised in the upcoming fiscal period. A preliminary assessment places the loss of expected income from donations in the region of between 30% – 50%. To mitigate this, we have embarked on a series of decisive actions, including revised budgeted expenses and through this campaign will speak with our supporters to expand their funding support to keep our doors open. All this to ensure that we are able to continue to provide this essential service to our precious residents.
Please visit to support the campaign.
Any amount will be appreciated
Please copy and share the link with your family and friends and visit our social media platforms (Facebook, Instagram, Twitter and LinkedIn) to like and share our posts. You are also welcome to donate through our website or make a direct deposit into the LITTLE EDEN bank account.
Bank: First National
Acc no: 5468 0928 009
Branch: Karaglen
Branch code: 25-24-42
Acc. type: Cheque
Swift code: FIRNZAJJ
Remember to use Your name + COVID as reference and email your proof of payment to
Our residents may not know or understand what COVID-19 is but they do know how it feels to be loved, cared for and protected. Please support the campaign and help to ensure continued quality care of our residents.