Q: How many children and adults are cared for at LITTLE EDEN?
A: We have 300 residents (180 at Domitilla and Danny Hyams Home and 120 at Elvira Rota Village)
Q: What are their ages?
A: The youngest is four years old and the oldest is over 65 years. The average mental age of our residents is one year and below.
Q: Where does LITTLE EDEN get its funding?
A: LITTLE EDEN Society as well as other NGO’s have recently received a pleasant surprise in the form of the 20% increase in subsidies from the Department of Health. This increase is gratefully acknowledged and appreciated. This now represents about 35% of income. About 49% of LITTLE EDEN income is received from Government – the shortfall is raised through the Secondhand Shop, events, and individual/corporate donations.
Q: Does LITTLE EDEN have a volunteer and community service programme?
A: Yes, weekdays from 08:30 to 12:30 during the school term.
Q: Where do LITTLE EDEN residents come from?
A: The majority of the residents at LITTLE EDEN have been abandoned. Some were placed through Child Welfare and some come from families where, for many reasons, they cannot be adequately cared for.
Q: What is the most urgent need?
A: Financial donations and donations in kind. It currently costs R11 600 to care for one child, per month, at LITTLE EDEN.